You can easily extend the web client url to open tables and see all records by following this syntax:
I've created a local docker environment called "de-latest" and
I am opening table 225 "Post Code":
The full web client url has the following syntax:
https://<hostname>[/<aadtenantid>][/<environmentname>]/?[company=<companyname>]&[page|query|report|table=<ID>]&[tenant=<tenantID>]&[mode=<View|Edit|Create>]&[profile=<profileID>]&[customize]&[bookmark=<bookmark>]&[captionhelpdisabled=<0|1>]&[showribbon=<0|1>]&[shownavigation=<0|1>]&[showuiparts=<0|1>]&[showheader=<0|1>]&[isembedded=1]&[pagesize=<number of lines>]&[redirect<0|1>]&[extension=<extensionID>]
More information about all parameters of the web client url:
So this is my "Post Code" table:
I cannot edit, delete or insert any records here... :'(
Hidden Feature:
just open your local instance or your SaaS tenant by using the tablet client:
or if you use SaaS:
And you can magically edit, delete or even insert new records ;-)
It doesn’t work for now on cloud. Only reading
Best Regards, Dmitry