You want to split your objects by using a simple powershell script?
You can use this Module: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools with the command "Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile"
No matter which version of Navision, Dynamics NAV or Business Central in C/AL you are using:

I've build a slow and fast variant ;-) so don't get confused.
$sourcepath = "D:\Source\"
$targetpath = "D:\Target\"
Remove-Item $targetpath*.txt -Recurse -Force
Measure-Command -Expression {
Get-ChildItem $sourcepath -Filter *.txt | Foreach-Object {
$filepath = $_.FullName
$lines = Get-Content -Path $filepath
foreach ($line in $lines) {
if ($line -match "OBJECT (Table|Report|Codeunit|Page|Query|XMLport|Form|Dataport|MenuSuite) (\d+) (.*)") {
if ($newfilepath) {
$arr | Out-File -Append $newfilepath -Encoding default
$arr = @()
$newfilepath = (Join-Path -Path $targetpath -ChildPath ($Matches[1].ToLower() + '_' + ('{0:d10}' -f [int]$Matches[2]) + $_.Extension));
$arr += $line
And see how fast these two functions are:

Get the script here: Split-Objects.ps1: