or should I really run through all my files and convert the variables?
What's the case?
You convert your old C/AL Code and make them AL ready, right?
This is how you should do it:
Export your C/AL-Objects as txt-File
Split your Objects separately (I will provide a powershell script soon)
run this e.g. in cmd: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\140\RoleTailored Client txt2al.exe --source="C:\Install\Source" --target="C:\Install\Target"

Get your converted files and import them into your repo in VC Code:

And as you can see, your variables are not recognized.
You could use a Regular Expression:
and replace it with:

or you could even us this powershell script or how I call it "txt2AL Beautifier":
This Powershell script works with a dictionary, which you can easily extend:

And it will iterate thorugh all given *.al files to convert these variables correctly.
$mapping = @{
'Record "3"' = 'Record "Payment Terms"';
'Record "4"' = 'Record "Currency"';
'Record "5"' = 'Record "Finance Charge Terms"';
'Record "6"' = 'Record "Customer Price Group"';
'Record "7"' = 'Record "Standard Text"';
'Record "8"' = 'Record "Language"';
'Query "7300"' = 'Query "Lot Numbers by Bin"';
'Query "7301"' = 'Query "Whse. Employees at Locations"';
'Query "7345"' = 'Query "Avail Qty. (Base) In QC Bins"';
'Query "9060"' = 'Query "Count Sales Orders"';
'Query "9063"' = 'Query "Count Purchase Orders"';
'Query "9150"' = 'Query "My Customers"';
'Query "9151"' = 'Query "My Vendors"';
'Query "9152"' = 'Query "My Items"';
$regexescape = $mapping.keys | ForEach-Object {[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Escape($_)}
$regex = [regex]($regexescape -join '|')
Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.al | Foreach-Object {
$values = { $mapping[$args[0].Value] }
$incomingfile = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName)
$incomingfile = $regex.Replace($incomingfile, $values)
Set-Content -Path ($_.DirectoryName + $_.BaseName + '_out.al') -Value $incomingfile
Get the full file here:
Have Fun :)